What causes medical specialists to resign and leave the job? We can discuss a whole series of reasons why some employees leave their jobs, from the decision to stay at home with the children to the desire to go abroad or reorient themselves in their careers. Therefore, the first step an organization has to take to improve the retention of performing employees is to identify and understand the reasons that cause them to make their luggage and look for a new job.
When we talk about why some employees leave a job, we must first understand that we have to deal with two categories of reasons. First are the reasons independent of the employer, such as the ones we mentioned in the previous lines, in which no one can do anything to make those employees stay in the organization since they are determined to make a significant change in their lives.
In contrast, most often invoked reasons why an employee decides to leave his job are directly linked to the employer. All the elements that make up an organization contribute to an employee’s happiness or unhappiness, each having a direct impact on how employees feel at their jobs. When he gets to feel unhappy at the job, for one reason or another, an employee will always look for another job that will bring him peace and appreciation.
Good employees are hard to find, especially when we talk about the medical field. However, leaving this aside, quality employees are even harder to keep, especially when employers do not know how to stimulate them and provide them with a good working environment. To remember the good people in the organizations they lead and keep them motivated, managers must consider that employees need respect, honesty, appreciation, confidence, competent colleagues, and a work environment appropriate to carry out their activities.
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Here are the main reasons why employees leave an organization:
It is often said that people do not give up the job they have but to their bosses. To work well and efficiently, employees must feel respected and appreciated by their superiors. Of course, there is no need for friendship between employees and supervisors, but a good relationship between these parties is necessary for a pleasant working environment. On the other hand, a tense and uncomfortable relationship with managers will do nothing but speed up the organization for most employees, regardless of the field of activity we are talking about.
Autocrat bosses are never appreciated by employees, and many choose to leave the companies they work for this reason. To keep quality employees, each manager should look carefully at himself and analyze his relationship with his employees. A boss occupies a top position within the organization to provide clear direction, coordination, and feedback to employees, not to make their lives difficult!
Few employees recognize that the lack of recognition and appreciation at the workplace causes them to consider the change of the employer. The daily activity in the medical industry is not easy at all, even on the contrary, so it should be taken into account that positive feedback or appreciation can significantly impact the employees’ state of mind. Managers can communicate with their employees and find out what they resonate with best. For some, a message of appreciation may be enough. Still, other forms of recognition and appreciation (a small bonus, a gift, a free day, etc.) can be considered in the case of other employees.
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Nowadays, for an employee, a job is no longer just about money but also about the way it makes it feel. Studies show that a toxic working environment primarily affects employees’ productivity and may increase their risk of exhaustion. On the other hand, employees generally appreciate a friendly working environment in which management is accessible, in which the superiors are approachable, and in which there is a clear communication policy and a direction of the organization.
Any good employee wants to be part of a professional team in which they have professionals with whom they can work and from which to learn new things. When managers bring in the organization that inappropriate people lead or when promoting people who are not worth it, the top specialists are removed. An employee of value will consider that it is an insult for him to work with a poorly prepared person or with an employee who has reached a particular position on criteria other than professional ones.
What are the prospects for an employee in the organization you run? What does he learn new every day in the activity he carries out? Analyze all these aspects when you think about the future of the team you run today! An analysis by LinkedIn in 2020 shows us that no less than 94% of employees would remain more time in a company if they invest in their professional development. In addition, many young employees claim that learning and development opportunities are the most crucial factor when considering a work opportunity. Without a clear advancement opportunity, valuable employees will be tempted to look for development opportunities for other employers.
In addition, this aspect must be seen as an opportunity for employers. By offering employees opportunities for continuous education, companies keep employees satisfied in their professional development and remain competitive in the market.
In the discussions they carry with the employees, managers sometimes make some kind of promises just to see their satisfied employees. However, problems arise when these commitments are not respected, and the manager becomes disrespectful and a man of poor quality. In contrast, when he respects his promises, a manager will grow in the eyes of the employees, proving that he is trusted and honored.
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Good employees almost always find the best solutions, so many managers tend to give them a lot of work. Of course, most of them will accept a larger volume of work, but this will prove counterproductive over time. First, valuable employees will not remain in an organization if their work causes them to sacrifice their free time, the time spent with their loved ones, and the time dedicated to their passions and interests.
The phenomenon of burnout is growing globally; a study by McKinsey in 2021 showed that no less than 49% of the employees who participated in the survey have a form of exhaustion. This exhaustion at work is dangerous for any employee’s professional and personal life. Once they are exhausted, the employee will no longer give the exact yield. In addition, the dissatisfaction will gather daily, which means that the employee’s departure from the organization is imminent.
Okay, the vast majority of medical specialists do not get to work in this industry for money, but the financial factor remains extremely important when talking about keeping valuable employees. In addition, the fringe benefits package must be a bidder for attracting and retaining the top employees. According to a study conducted by the Benefit platform in 2021, the following benefits are considered among the most important among the employees: gifts, table tickets, medical services subscription, training programs, access rooms, bonuses, and bonuses, depending on performance, holiday premiums, private pensions, etc…
Employee retention is a necessity in the current context of the human capital market.
The recruitment and hiring of top specialists is already a problematic mission for most organizations in the current context of the workforce in the Romanian medical system, but keeping these employees must be considered a unique challenge. Retaining employees represents employers’ ability to keep their top specialists and critical people in the organization’s daily activity long-term.
Replacing an employee does involve not only spending money but also time. According to statistics, it takes about two years for a new employee to reach an experienced one who has just left the organization. In addition, personnel rotation involves interruptions or delays that can affect, over time, an organization’s ability to operate at a qualitative level. For this reason, employers are obliged to do everything in their power for employees to feel respected and appreciated at work. Feeling that they are part of a strong team, employees will no longer want to change their job so easily!
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